Our Work

Baptist Mission Center serves as the associational office for eighty-seven Southern Baptist congregations from within a cluster of two associations, Big Creek Baptist Association and CenLa Baptist Association. All are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Louisiana Baptist Convention.


Dick DeBusk

Interim Director of Missions

Big Creek Baptist Association

Stacy Morgan

Interim Associational Mission Strategist

CenLa Baptist Association

Mrs. Jill Lewis

Administrative Assistant


Accepting resumes for a full-time Associational Mission Strategist for CenLa Baptist Association

email resumes to: jill@baptistmissioncenter.org 

or mail to:

CenLa Baptist Association

Attn:  AMS Search Committee

P. O. Box 311

Alexandria, LA  71309


Granberry Counseling Centers have two counselors in the Alexandria area:

Orlando Madrid, 318-355-1067

His office is located at Calvary, Alexandria

Mavis Collingsworth, 318--623-1711

Her office is located in the Baptist Building.


Find us on Facebook

Association Office

Physical Address:

1250 MacArthur, Suite 304

Alexandria, LA 71303

(located on the third floor of

the Louisiana Baptist building)


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 311

Alexandria, LA 71309-0311


Monday through Friday

8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Web Design by Alberta Fisher


Big Creek Baptist Association:  

Annual Church Profile
There's still time to report. Contact
Cathy Clark with questions. 

Pastor/Staff fellowship
October 10 at 6 pm
at the Grant Parish School Board Office

Grant Parish School Board prayer night
October 10 at 6:30 pm

Grant Parish Revival of Prayer
October 20 - 26, 6:30 pm
20th - B-22 Auditorium
21st - Liberty Christian
22nd - Georgetown Baptist
23rd - Colfax Elementary Gym
24th - FBC Pollock
25th - Bethel Baptist
26th - canvas your community with prayer
Grant Home football Game
October 31st
Parking Lot Trunk r Treat
Church Outreach
Participation encouraged. 
Contact:  Kevin Simmons 
CenLa Baptist Association:
Annual Church Profile 
There is still time to report.
 Contact Jill Lewis
with questions. 
Annual meeting
October 17, 6:00 pm
at FBC Pineville
fellowship hall




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Web Design by Alberta Fisher